Important Messages from the Office
A reminder to students that mobile phones are not to be used during class unless authorized by the teacher.
First time – confiscated for the day – student to collect from the office at the end of the day
Second time – confiscated for the day – student to collect from the Dean.
Third time – confiscated for the day – parent/caregiver rung to collect at the end of the day
Please remind your child about the rules around mobile phone use, thank you.
We have a solution for you! Did you know that paying as little $5.00 per week via Automatic Payment can reduce your child’s school account by $260.00 per year. We appreciate the hardship a lot of families are experiencing and we want to limit the financial pressure by offering this service without compromising your child’s education or participation in future school activities. PLEASE give this some serious thought. We are here to help you and your child. An Automatic Payment form is available from the school office or email [email protected]
A reminder that the school regulations for shoes are as follows:
- Black lace-up school style shoes that can be polished.
- This excludes sneaker/skater/sports/canvas/ ballet/leisure/casual/converse style shoes.
- Black roman sandals with heel strap in place, black ‘Rugged Shark’ or ‘Lynx’ sandals with heel strap in place. No jandals.
- Boys can wear slip-on business style shoes.
- Girls can wear ‘Mary-Jane’ style shoes.
During terms 2 and 3 only, a plain black weather proof, puffer or rain jacket is permissible as an additional layer to the polar fleece or woolen jersey, not instead of school uniform. It should not have stripes, markings, emblems or logos. The jacket cannot be worn in class.
All students that are unwell or require first aid must report to the BayTrust. The nurse or Fiona will contact home if required. To keep your child safe, they should follow this procedure. The students should not be texting home directly or leaving school grounds without signing out.