Reminder that online learning starts on Wednesday 15 April
General Expectations
- Put your health and your family first.
- You are expected to login to your google classrooms each day as per your timetable.
- Check your college emails at least once a day and reply if necessary.
- We will use one consistent platform (Google Classrooms) for sharing learning activities
- We will use one consistent platform for scheduled meetings (Google Zoom see Appendix1).
- Continue with your assessment work as much as possible. Please don’t stress about NCEA - we will be responsive to your needs as a learner.
- Remember teachers will be with their families as well so know they will respond to your emails and give feedback as they can.
Specialist Subjects
- Teachers will upload tasks/lessons for the day by 9.30am. Make sure that you check the classes that you would have that day.
- Teachers will be providing good learning opportunities, engaging activities and work of value, so please try and complete all learning activities provided.
- Following the sequence of your regular timetable, subject teachers will be available for 30 minutes on Zoom for support; P1 = 10.00am, P2 = 11.00am and P3 = 12.00pm.
- There will be a scheduled meeting twice per week via Zoom, your whanau teacher will be inviting small groups to check in at these times. Please monitor your emails and take these opportunities.
- This will occur between 1.00-2.00pm on Monday and Friday.
Contact Information
- First point of call → contact your whanau teacher via scheduled Zoom times.
- Concerned about your specialist subject → contact your subject teacher via scheduled Zoom times.
- Personal concerns about progress or achievement → contact your whanau teacher or subject teacher via email
- Concerned about your wellbeing → Contact your Dean via the College website/Contacts
- If you are already working with a guidance counsellor please continue to do so remotely via email: [email protected] .
- Concerned about your Health contact Healthline:
- Coronavirus related 0800 358 5453
- General Health related 0800 611 116
Appendix1: Download GoogleZoom