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Go-4-12 Adventure Race

Go-4-12 Adventure Race

Adventure Racing Squad push themselves at the recent Go-4-12 Adventure Race

On Friday the 16th of April, 12 members of the Adventure Racing Squad headed to Kairakau Bay, south of Hastings, to attend the Go-4-12 Adventure Race. This event is sanctioned by the New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council as the National Adventure Racing Champs. We had two teams entered in the 12-hour race, and 1 mixed team in the 6 hour race. The event saw students cover approximately 70km on foot and mountain bike, all while navigating their way through steep and wet terrain. The teams experienced every weather system imaginable over the course of their event, which added to the challenge of making good clothing and food choices.

The perseverance of our teams was impressive as they made their way around the course alongside the other 28 teams. This was the first time our squad had attended this event to compete in the 12 hour category.

A huge thanks to TopGear Cycles for letting us use their trailer for the event!

Students involved in the 12-hour category: Izaak Manders, Matthew Stokes, Kasper Lenoir, Marcus Brennan (Reporoa College Student), Lilja Tinworth, Rory MacKintosh, Maggie Putt, and Georgia Fox

Students involved in the 6-hour category: Izzy McGeough, Noah Kemp, Ethan Staddon, and Julia Leusink

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