We are incredibly proud to announce that Gabby Donald has recently been selected to attend the Rotary National Science and Technology Forum (RNSTF). Gabby embarked on a 14-day trip filled with 336 hours of chaotic, but organised, fun and learning. During these two weeks, she was immersed in a taste of what education beyond high school could look like, taking part in academic modules at Auckland University of Technology, University of Auckland, and University of Massey Albany Campuses. Some of these modules included subjects such as biomedical science, molecular biology, chemistry, and food technology.
Gabby was also fortunate to attend the University of Auckland Medical School, ESR Forensics Science Lab, and Living Labs. She claims the biggest takeaway from these visits was realising that the world of science is so broad and that there is still so much to learn about ourselves, our bodies, and our planet.
Attending the RNSTF has significantly contributed to Gabby’s success in being selected to attend the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) held later in July/August this year. She will attend as part of a small team representing New Zealand, where she will be one of 500 students from 70 countries participating in the forum. We wish Gabby all the best with this venture and will be following her next steps closely!